Stump grinding / removal

Our safe working process
1. We will contact professionals to ensure there are no underground utilities, cables, or other obstacles near the stump.
2. Site assessment and stump assessment for access, size of the stump and any other potential obstacles.
3. Method selection including manual, machine or chemical(regulation check required).
4. Removal of the stump.
5. Fill the hole with soil or mulch.
6. Site clean up.
Try it yourself
Stump removal involves getting rid of the base of a tree after it has been cut down. Here’s an overview of the process:
-Evaluate the stump size: Determine the size and type of the tree stump, which will influence the removal method.
-Check for obstacles: Ensure there are no underground utilities, cables, or other obstacles near the stump.
(Manual removal)
Plan Ahead: Research the tree species beforehand to understand its root structure. Some trees have deep taproots, while others spread out more horizontally.
Leverage Gravity: Work downhill when possible, using gravity to assist in the removal process.
Take Breaks: Manual removal is physically demanding. Take regular breaks to maintain energy and prevent injury.
Tools Needed: A shovel, ax, root saw, and a pry bar.
-Dig around the stump: Use a shovel to dig around the stump, exposing the roots.
-Cut the roots: Use an ax or root saw to cut through the larger roots. A pry bar can help loosen the stump.
-Remove the stump: Once the roots are severed, leverage the stump out of the ground using a pry bar.
(Contact Us)
-If the stump is large or if you prefer not to do it yourself, hiring a tree service company may be the best option. They will typically use a stump grinder or other specialized equipment.